![]() Last week I was joking with a friend that the first longhair court case in 1965 was "the Fort Sumter of the Culture War". Maybe it wasn't such a joke, after all. A map of the states where school dress codes were upheld in the majority of court cases neatly overlays the maps of opinion on other cultural issues. At the extremes, the states within the jurisdiction of the Fifth Circuit (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Texas, Louisiana and Mississippi) upheld the school's position in 12 of 13 cases. The Second Circuit (Vermont, Connecticut and New York) only had three dress code cases between 1965 and 1978, and ruled in favor of the students every time.
7/27/2013 06:03:48 am
Just a minor quibble: at the relevant time, the 5th Circuit included AL, FL, and GA. They were split off into the 11th Circuit in 1981. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/5th_Circuit#History_of_the_court.
7/27/2013 06:32:06 am
Thank you! Where do I (easily) find a list if the circuit courts during the relevant years? Never thought this fashion stuff would drag me into such unfamiliar territory.
7/27/2013 11:24:21 am
Not sure how you feel about Wikipedia as an authoritative source, but here's at least a good crib sheet: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U.S._Courts_of_Appeals#History. The 5th/11th Circuit split is the only composition change that's happened during or since the period that interests you.
7/27/2013 11:34:07 am
Wikipedia is always a good start, especially with esoteric topics that don't attract hacking trolls or trolling hacks. The numbers are still good, though, because I used the state where the decisions were made and just applied the current circuit numbers because I didn't know better. :) Comments are closed.
Jo PaolettiProfessor Emerita Archives
January 2023